When I was fifteen and got my first summer job, relief switchboard operator at the Ocean Breeze Hotel, I began to smoke so that I would look and feel older and could hang out with all those cute busboys.  Now when I want to feel older, I can just look in the mirror, or better yet, I can walk over to the Apple store on West 14th Street where little kids if 7 or 8 are doing things on iPads I don’t know how to do and where even the people who work there look like little kids to me.

But not so fast with the age thing!  Sitting and waiting for my husband who had schlepped his desktop computer to the Genius Bar today, I found myself smiling.  Sure, part of it was that Sky was waiting with me, sitting up on the window sill and offering kisses.  But the other part was that my new book, Dog Smart, is available on the iPad.  Me, my writing, my drawing, on the iPad.  It made me almost burst into song.